Thursday, December 18, 2008

Joel and I got to go to the Temple today. His cousin Teagan took out her endowments because she leaves on her mission next month. I can't wait to have that experience when I am older. I know it will be completely different, but exciting still. A Huge thanks goes to my sister- in-law Tricia  for watching the kiddos. Nixon refused his bottle and was red eyed from lots of crying  but smiling from mommy when we got home. He was the only one awake, I found Kennedy and Carter asleep in my bed watching Scooby Do.  Kennedy is getting so big it has gotten painful to carry her to her bed (Dads job). The time is flying by soon they'll all be to big for me to carry.

1 comment:

The Roberts Family said...

hey cute girl!! how is your hair?

Mel's Boy's

Mel's Boy's

Joel and Carter

Joel and Carter



Carter and Joel Thanksgiving 2007

Nixon 3 months

Nixon 3 months


2 months old